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How Can You Support your Recovery from COVID-19?

Updated: Feb 4, 2022

COVID-19 has significantly halted our everyday lives in more than one way. As the number of cases increases during this period, fear and anxiety increase too. Your feelings are valid, and this is new and unfamiliar to us. We've never had to face such a rampant viral infection in this generation, and we are grappling with it. With a lot of information on the internet, finding a meaningful and relevant platform for all your essential news is necessary. Therefore, our medical practitioners have created a brief guide to help you learn everything regarding recovering from COVID-19.

Caught Covid-19? Here’s How to Properly Recover

A guide prepared by the practitioners at the Integrative Medical Centre

The majority of those carrying the virus will have mild to moderate breathing problems and will recover without the need for medical attention. Some patients might get critically unwell and need medical assistance.

Moreover, severe sickness is more common among the elderly and those with existing medical disorders such as coronary heart disease, hypertension, chronic respiratory disease, or cancer. COVID-19 may make anyone sick and cause them to get very ill or die at any age.

Being thoroughly informed about the virus and its spread is the most excellent strategy to avoid and slow down the spread. Stay at least 1 meter or 6 feet away from people and wear a well-fitting mask. Also, you need to wash your hands or use an alcohol-based rub periodically to safeguard yourself and others from contamination. When it's your time, get vaccinated and obey advice and guidance from healthcare experts.

What Does COVID-19 Actually Do?

COVID-19 infections affect the immune system by producing anti-inflammatory response in the body. Most individuals who contract COVID-19 will experience mild to moderate symptoms. Nevertheless, some patients might become seriously ill. So, they may require medical attention.

The virus spreads from your upper airway to your lower airways. Your mouth, nose, esophagus, and lungs are all part of your airway.

Your lungs may get irritated, making breathing difficult. This can result in bronchitis or inflammation of the small air sacs (called alveoli) that transport oxygen molecules in your airways.

What Can You Do?

Beyond vaccination against COVID, the latest evidence has shown that adequate nutrients can reduce the symptom burden and lessen the duration of the respiratory infection.

When an infected individual spits, sneezes, speaks, sings, or breathes, the virus spreads in microscopic fluid molecules from their mouth or nose. Larger pulmonary droplets to tiny aerosols are among the particles. It is critical to adopt respiratory hygiene if you are sick, such as sneezing into a bent elbow or remaining at home and self-isolating while you heal.

COVID-19 is more likely to spread and infect individuals in crowded, poorly ventilated places where infected persons spend long periods with each other in close quarters.

Diners, choir rehearsals, exercise classes, bars, businesses, and religious sites have all documented

occurrences in areas where people congregate, frequently in packed confined spaces, and where they speak loudly, yell, breathe deeply, or sing. So, it’s best to avoid crowded areas and practice coughing etiquette.

Minimize your interaction with other individuals and your chances of contracting COVID-19 by eating at home. According to experts, keep a gap of at least 6 feet between yourself and somebody hacking or sneezing. In busy social environments such as restaurants and bars, this is not always practicable.

Sick people's coughing or breathing particles may fall on objects and people's hands. With so many people coming and leaving, it's impossible to know if hands are being cleaned frequently enough or if objects are being cleansed and sanitized quickly enough.

The Importance of Good Nutrition

Good nutrition and adequate hydration are essential. Individuals who consume a well-balanced daily diet have better chances of survival and are less likely to get chronic medical conditions and contagious diseases. To acquire the nutrients, minerals, dietary fiber, proteins, and antioxidants your system needs, you should consume a range of fresh and unrefined meals each day.

Drink plenty of water. You can reduce your risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dementia, hypertension, and some forms of cancer by avoiding too much highly processed foods, unhealthy fats and excessive amounts of salts. . The same is true for battling COVID-19.

The consumption of adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals through diet is essential to ensure the proper functioning of the immune system.

To combat COVID-19, you should also eat fruits, veggies, legumes (lentils, beans), walnuts, and whole grains such as corn, barley, oats, wheat, brown rice, or sweet tubers or roots like potato, pumpkin, taro, or cassava. Animal-based foods, such as meats, seafood, chickens, and dairy, are beneficial to a strong immune system.

Our experts advise a to eat a health balance of fruit, veggies, whole grains, legume and balance the amount of animal products consumed. Snack on fruits and veggies and fresh produce rather than high-sugar, high-fat, or high-salt items.

Overcooking fruit and veggies can result in the loss of vital nutrients. If you choose tinned or frozen veggies and fruit, choose the options that haven’t been salted or sugared.

Where Can You Get These Important Vitamins and Minerals?

Essential vitamins and minerals can help you recover quickly from the impact of COVID-19. Here are the top sources for such vitamins:

  • Fresh fruit

  • Cooked and Raw vegetables

  • Fish

  • Good quality multivitamins

You should avoid fats from milk, shea butter, creams, cheeses, clarified butter, and lard in favor of healthy fats found in fish, guacamole, almonds, olive oil, soybeans and jojoba oils. Consider lean white meat and fish, which are often sources of more healthy fats and oil than many meats.

Processed foods are non-nutritious, so avoid them. Choose non-dairy products wherever feasible. Packaged foods, ready meals, unhealthy snacks, junk foods, frozen pizza, pastries, sweets, hydrogenated oils, and spreads often contain trans fats and should be avoided.

The Bottom Line

Proper nutrition is beneficial for the body and immunity, but they are not miracle cures. People with chronic diseases who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 may require assistance with their psychological wellbeing and diet to maintain their health. Suitably skilled practitioners can provide you with counselling and psychological assistance to battle COVID-19.

Do share this useful COVID-19 information with your friends and family!


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