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Longevity Medicine


Live Healthier, Longer

The road to your optimal health & vitality begins HERE.

Addressing the root causes of health with lifestyle medicine, exercise & sleep coaching as well as cutting edge testing is the key to living a healthier, longer life. Let our experts guide you on this journey. 


S1,600 incl. GST

An integrated medical, nutrition & lifestyle programme to kickstart your journey towards sharpening cognitive skills, preventing age-related memory loss, and lowering dementia risk.



  • Initial consult with Dietitian & Longevity expert Dr Jieun Bio

  • Omega-3 Index Complete Test

  • APOE Gene Test

  • Follow-up consult with Dietitian

  • Comprehensive Nutritional Blood Screen

  • Medical consult with Holistic Family Physician


  • One Personal Training Session with a Brain Health Trainer of SPARKD

  • One month unlimited classes at SPARKD


  • Validated Online Cognitive Assessment by Cambridge Brain Sciences

  • One month Neurotracker membership (including 3-D Glasses)


  • Microbiome stool test & naturopathy consult

  • Osteopathy consult focused on brain health 

  • Microbiome stool test & naturopathy consult 

  • Functional assessment with physiotherapist to provide structural advice and exercise guidance​

  • Consultation with our Mindfulness in Health registered practitioner to provide cognitive tools to better manage stress and anxiety



S$1,500 incl. GST

A heart health and wellness programme tailored to your individual needs.


Taking an integrated approach, our practitioners work in close collaboration to help you achieve the best outcome for your heart.


1. Initial consult with holistic medical doctorValidated Online Cognitive Assessment by Cambridge Brain Sciences


2. Comprehensive Cardio Blood Profile:

  • Advanced Lipid Profile, Diabetic Screen, Kidney Profile, Inflammatory Markers, Nutritional Profile, Thyroid Function and Haematology

3. Stress ECG on Treadmill

  • Measures the heart’s ability to respond to external stress in a controlled clinical environment

4. Ultrasound Imaging of Carotid Arteries

  • A painless procedure that uses sound waves to examine the blood flow through the carotid arteries. The carotid arteries are located on each side of the neck and deliver blood from the heart to the brain. 

5. Comprehensive Omega-3 Fatty Acid Test 

  • A test to evaluate the Omega-3 Index, an important indicator of heart health. The analysis performed on red blood cells provides a comprehensive overview of a patients nutritional status of the last ~3 months (average lifespan of a red blood cell). This permits nutritional changes to be monitored with repeat testing every 3-6 months to assess benefits of interventions and/or dietary modifications. 

6. Follow-up consultation with holistic medical doctor to review test results


7. Development of a detailed and individualised diet and lifestyle plan, with dietitian & longevity medicine consultant (1 hour)


8. Follow-up dietitian consultation after 4 weeks of program commencement, to review progress, provide support and establish new goals (30min) ​


  • Functional assessment with physiotherapist to provide structural advice and exercise guidance

  • Consultation with our mindfulness for health registered practitioner to provide cognitive tools to better manage stress and anxiety



Food, exercise and lifestyle changes as medicine: A new medical approach for the prevention and treatment of age-related diseases. Let our experts guide you on your personalised journey towards living a healthier, longer life.

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